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Prices of Frozen Beef Meat CIF Bahrain in July 2021
The agricultural state enterprise China Russia State Corporation offers russian frozen beef meat to ports of Bahrain on CIF terms.
Type of meat: beef
Type: frozen,
T: -22 C
Packaging: 15-20 kg Non COVID-19 (confirmed by GAFTA and SGS)
Manufacture per month: up to 3,200 tons
Slaughtering: July 15-22, 2021
Bulls and cows. Halal.
Origin: Russian Federation
Frozen beef meat on terms CIF port of Manamah, Bahrain = price $ by inquiry / tons
Prices of frozen beef meat on C&F port of Sitra, Bahrain = $ by inquiry / tons
Date of loading on vessel in port of Novorossiysk, Russia: August 05-12, 2021.
Minimum order: 1 (one) container (about 19 tons).
Payments terms: L/C at sight, covered.
Shipments starts from July 10, 2021.