GRA­­IN in po­­­­rt of NOVOROSSIYSK Russia

GRAIN in port of NOVOROSSIYSK Russia

(RUSNSK) 新罗西斯克港口


October 2020

Milling wheat / protein 12.5%$235 / MT
Milling wheat / protein 11.5%$225 / MT
Milling wheat / protein 10.5%$220 / MT
Yellow corn No.2$210 / MT
Barley / protein 11%$210 / MT
Flax seeds$460 / MT
Rapeseeds (oil content 45%)$450 / MT
Oats$ 190 / MT
Soybeans / protein 38% min$ 460 / MT
Yellow millet$ 200 / MT
Sorghum$ 200 / MT
Buckwheat (raw)$ 535 / MT
Green lentils (raw)$ 600 / MT
Red lentils (cleaned)$ 790 / MT