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Buckwheat cif china march 2020

RUSSIA-CHINA TRADE CORPORATION informs our customers about changes in prices from March 01, 2020 of buckwheat on terms DAP and CIF China with the following characteristics: 
Moisture : 14% max 
Benign core: 74% min 
Impurity: 2% max 
Packaging: in bulk 
CIF Shanghai = $ 445 / MT 
CIF Qingdao = $ 442 / MT 
CIF Dalian = $ 438 / MT 
CIF Guangzhou = $ 435 / MT 
CIF Tianjin = $ 437 / MT 
DAP Manzhouli = $ 420 / MT 
DAP Alashankou = $ 410 / MT 
DAP Erlian= $ 430 / MT 
Minimun order: 500 MT 
Form of payment: LC at sight, bank guarantee, T/T. 
All obligatory permissions, protocols and documents are available. 

Prices are valid from March 01, 2020.  